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Towards a Green and Digital Economy: The Importance of Collaboration at Green Industrial 2024 and INSW

Sat, 06 Jul 2024 19:33 | News |   Editorial INTI

Towards a Green and Digital Economy: The Importance of Collaboration at Green Industrial 2024 and INSW

Jakarta, INTI - Aligned with the government's commitment to strengthening synergy and collaboration among Ministries/Agencies (K/L) for efficient and integrated public services and digitalization in the export-import sector, the government has established the Indonesia National Single Window (INSW) system, managed by the National Single Window Agency (LNSW).

As a follow-up to Presidential Regulation Number 44 of 2018 concerning the Indonesia National Single Window, policy harmonization and business process synchronization among Ministries/Agencies were conducted through the INSW Steering Council Coordination Meeting held at Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, on Thursday (4/07).

This meeting was chaired by the Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs Susiwijono Moegiarso and attended by the Head of the National Single Window Agency Oza Olavia, as well as several echelon I and II officials from 18 Ministries/Agencies related to INSW. The objective was to promote the resolution of strategic issues in 2023 and discuss the plans for strategic issues in 2024.

The Long History and Achievements of INSW

In his remarks, Susiwijono recalled the long journey of INSW since 2006. "INSW is one of the most important platforms from the government side that has successfully integrated all services from various Ministries/Agencies," he said.

During the meeting, several strategic issues for 2023 were discussed, including the harmonization of port/airport codes, the establishment and strengthening of Single Window Service Units (ULSW), the development of Service Level Agreements (SLA) and Business Continuity Plans (BCP) for INSW services, as well as data and information governance.

Promoting Digital Transformation and Risk Management

Susiwijono also emphasized the importance of INSW as a platform promoting digital transformation, particularly in export-import and logistics services. "The Head of LNSW, Mrs. Oza, has presented a comprehensive report with very good progress, and we are pushing for the continued development of several new features by LNSW and all related K/L," he added.

The discussion then continued with proposals for strategic issues in 2024, including encouraging integrated K/L to implement risk management in providing services and supervision using the Indonesia Single Risk Management (ISRM). LNSW and K/L are expected to build an integrated communication channel to provide comprehensive services to business actors. Additionally, clarifying the position of INSW in the revision of Government Regulation No. 5 of 2021 on Risk-Based Business Licensing and in the logistics Presidential Regulation concept is also a primary focus.

Appreciation and Future Expectations

Representatives of the Ministries/Agencies present also expressed their appreciation for LNSW's efforts in integrating the systems and business processes of various Ministries/Agencies in the export, import, and logistics sectors. They also reported on the progress of strategic issues in 2023 and the discussion of strategic issues in 2024 within their respective K/L.

"The INSW initiative is a testament that we can integrate all service systems together, especially in the context of export-import services," concluded Susiwijono.

Indonesia's economic transformation towards a green and digital economy requires not only innovation and technology but also strong collaboration among various parties. Green Industrial 2024 and the INSW system are concrete examples of how synergy can drive sustainable and efficient economic growth. With these strategic steps, Indonesia can achieve the Golden Vision 2045 more quickly and effectively.

To support economic development, green energy, technology, and the digital world, the Green Industrial 2024 event within Indonesia Technology and Innovation (INTI-2024) will be an ideal platform to explore the latest innovations in technology and the internet. INTI is the largest exhibition and conference related to technology and innovation in Indonesia. Follow and register to get the latest information and participate in the event here.

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