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Recovery Efforts for PDNS 2: Key Steps Towards a Safer Digital Transformation

Thu, 27 Jun 2024 10:47 | News |   Editorial INTI

Recovery Efforts for PDNS 2: Key Steps Towards a Safer Digital Transformation

Jakarta, INTI – The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo), along with the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN), Telkom Sigma, and several related ministries and institutions, continues to strive to restore services affected at the Temporary National Data Center (PDNS) 2 following the Brain Cipher Ransomware attack.

Deputy Minister of Kominfo, Nezar Patria, emphasized that this incident serves as an important lesson to strengthen digital transformation towards a safer future. "We must not be defeated or retreat because of this incident. We need to learn a lot and create a system that prevents such incidents from happening again," he stated after opening the Ilustrasiana Kompas Gramedia Exhibition at Bentara Budaya Jakarta, Tuesday night (5/25/2024).

Mitigation and Recovery Steps

Deputy Minister Nezar Patria stated that Kominfo would take mitigation steps to deal with potential future cyber threats. "We will not be easily intimidated. We will conduct mitigation efforts, investigations, and necessary actions," he asserted.

According to the Deputy Minister, Indonesia already has several guidelines related to cyber security. However, hacking attempts will continue to occur. "These guidelines have been established, but attempts to hack, create viruses, and disrupt systems will continue. BSSN has also issued standards for this security," he said.

Deputy Minister Nezar Patria considers cyber attacks as one of the global risks. According to him, the World Economic Forum also states that cyber security is one of the Top 5 Global Risks. Therefore, every country will pay attention to cybersecurity aspects.

"With the advancement of technology and the internet becoming more connected, the issue of cybersecurity becomes very important. All countries in the world adopt important protocols to protect their data security," he explained.

Protecting National Interests

Deputy Minister Kominfo revealed that the virus attacking PDNS 2 is a new variant of the Lockbit 3.0 ransomware, named Brain Cipher. This virus had previously attacked Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI).

"This new virus was developed by a group and labeled Brain Cipher. Like other ransomware, it encrypts all data and files on the attacked server," he said.

The attack targeted PDNS 2 in Surabaya, not the National Data Center (PDN). "There are two PDNS locations, one in Serpong and one in Surabaya. The one affected is in Surabaya. We are localizing the impacted areas," he said.

Deputy Minister Kominfo stated that the team is currently working on recovering all public service sectors affected by the cyber attack. "The team is working intensively 24 hours to take recovery steps following the security procedures for servers infected by ransomware," he explained.

Public Service Recovery Process

Several public services have begun to be restored, such as immigration services and services under the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment. "Several ministries and institutions with backup servers have been secured and evaluated to check for ransomware infection. Other services are gradually being restored," he said.

In response to the ransom demand from the hackers, Deputy Minister Nezar Patria emphasized that Kominfo would take alternative measures as the attacked object is critical national infrastructure. "This is very important infrastructure, such as the state-owned data center for public services. Attacks on such important infrastructure are attacks on our national interests," he asserted.


The Brain Cipher ransomware attack on PDNS 2 is a significant reminder of the need to enhance cyber security in Indonesia. The swift recovery efforts and mitigation steps demonstrate the government's commitment to maintaining the stability and security of public services.

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