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Indonesia Digital Test House (IDTH): Setting the Benchmark for Telecommunication Devices Testing

Mon, 06 May 2024 07:45 | News |   Editorial INTI

Indonesia Digital Test House (IDTH): Setting the Benchmark for Telecommunication Devices Testing

Jakarta, INTI - The Ministry of Communication and Information is set to launch the Indonesia Digital Test House (IDTH) next week. This telecommunications device testing laboratory, managed by the Telecommunications Device Testing Center (BBPPT) under the Directorate General of Resources and Equipment of Post and Informatics, boasts the most comprehensive testing facilities in Southeast Asia.

Minister of Communication and Information, Budi Arie Setiadi, hopes that IDTH will become a benchmark laboratory for telecommunications device testing at the international level.

"This laboratory is the most comprehensive in Southeast Asia, second only to Vietnam. This is certainly a source of pride. The inauguration ceremony for this laboratory will be scheduled by the President," he explained during his visit to inspect the preparations for the inauguration of IDTH at BBPPT Tapos, Depok, West Java, on Thursday (02/05/2024).

Minister Budi Arie explained that IDTH or BBPPT has become an integral part of the national digital ecosystem development, especially in the field of testing and calibration with international methods and standards.

Currently, IDTH has 12 laboratory units that broadly function in standard testing for various electronic devices. These include electromagnetic compatibility laboratories, spectrum calibration laboratories, and electronic device calibration laboratories.

"As a laboratory, BBPPT is not only responsible for ensuring the safety and quality standards of telecommunications equipment but also for ensuring the development of a strong and sustainable digital ecosystem," he emphasized.

Director General of SDPPI at the Ministry of Communication and Information, Ismail, stated that IDTH's or BBPPT's services focus on telecommunications devices, although there are laboratories in the field of electricity.

"We focus on telecommunications devices. There are also other labs in the field of electricity, which do not involve telecommunications, radio signals, and so on. If it's related to telecommunications devices, it will definitely be tested here," he said.

According to Director General Ismail, in testing telecommunications devices, there is a division of tasks between laboratories operated by the government and the private sector. However, he emphasized that IDTH or BBPPT has many laboratory facilities, making it a benchmark.

"Considering the numerous telecommunications devices, types, and varieties that need to be tested, there are many private laboratories. However, their scope is not as comprehensive as ours. They only focus on certain aspects. We cover everything, which is why we are called a benchmark laboratory," he explained.

Currently, BBPPT has testing laboratory facilities for various devices, including:

  1. Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Laboratory: Testing to ensure electronic devices operate normally in electromagnetic environments without being affected by or causing interference to their surroundings, such as laptops and televisions.
  2. SAR & EMF Laboratory: Measures the level of non-ionizing radiation from electromagnetic waves emitted by ICT devices attached to the human body, such as mobile phones and tablet PCs.
  3. Electrical Safety Laboratory: Testing ICT devices to ensure user safety from potential leakage currents and excessive voltages, such as photocopiers and Set Top Boxes.
  4. Cellular Laboratory: Tests devices operating with cellular technology, such as mobile phones, base transceiver stations (BTS), and GPS trackers.
  5. High Power Radio Laboratory: Conducts tests on devices operating using radio waves with power greater than 36 dBm, such as handheld radios and maritime radios.
  6. Low Power Radio Laboratory: Tests devices operating using radio waves with power less than 36 dBm, such as NFC and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
  7. Laser and Optics Laboratory: Testing telecommunications devices based on Optics to protect users from potential radiation exposure from Optics-based telecommunications devices.
  8. Broadcast Laboratory: Conducts tests on broadcasting devices such as TVs, Set Top Boxes, TV transmitters, including the early warning system (EWS) feature.
  9. RF Calibration Laboratory: Calibrates radio frequency-based measuring instruments such as spectrum analyzers, signal generators, and TV receivers.
  10. Antenna Calibration Laboratory: Calibrates antennas radiated.
  11. Optical Calibration Laboratory: Calibrates optical-based measuring instruments.
  12. Electrical Calibration Laboratory: Calibrates electrical-based measuring instruments, such as power supplies and multimeters.
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