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15th BIMP-EAGA High-Level Conference Held in Labuan Bajo, Indonesia

Sun, 14 May 2023 09:56 | News |   Editorial INTI

15th BIMP-EAGA High-Level Conference Held in Labuan Bajo, Indonesia

INTI,- On Thursday, May 11th, the 15th BIMP-EAGA (Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area) High-Level Conference was held in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, in the midst of the 42nd ASEAN Summit. The meeting of Heads of State in the ASEAN sub-region was held at the Meruorah Komodo Hotel and was attended by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), accompanied by Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto, as the signing minister for sub-regional BIMP-EAGA cooperation.

President Jokowi emphasized the need for three things to strengthen economic cooperation in the sub-region: the improvement of infrastructure connectivity and tourism revitalization, food security to become the region's food basket, and the transformation of renewable energy for energy security.

The sub-region's economic recovery showed encouraging results amid global uncertainty, with BIMP-EAGA's GDP growing by 7.1% in 2022, and the unemployment rate falling to 5.5%. The leaders appreciated BIMP-EAGA's work in accelerating economic recovery by expediting the implementation of the BIMP-EAGA Vision 2025.

President Jokowi further emphasized three fundamental things that need to be done in the context of strengthening the BIMP-EAGA economy, namely the development of infrastructure to support cross-border trade connectivity and tourism revitalization in the sub-region, food security, and the realization of sub-regional energy security.

"The acceleration of the completion of Priority Infrastructure Projects must be immediately implemented to achieve the BIMP-EAGA Vision in 2025," said President Jokowi.

Reactivate cross-border connectivity after the pandemic ends, also one of President Jokowi's directives, such as the Pontianak - Brunei Darussalam land transportation which recently resumed operations.

Regarding food security, BIMP-EAGA is important as the region's food basket and is a focus of Indonesia's cooperation. "I have just inaugurated a food warehouse in Keerom, Papua, and I think this can be integrated into the BIMP-EAGA economic corridor," said President Jokowi.

In addition, President Jokowi emphasized the importance of improving the quality of export products and developing halal and organic products. "I think the welfare of farmers and fishermen in the sub-region should also be our priority in this cooperation," said President Jokowi.

In terms of realizing sub-regional energy security, energy transformation towards renewable energy and access to energy needs to be encouraged in line with the target of 100% access to electricity by 2025. "BIMP-EAGA is rich in renewable energy sources. Currently, we are also building the Mentarang Induk Hydro Power Plant which is projected to be the largest hydro power plant in Indonesia," concluded President Jokowi. This hydro power plant is expected to support energy security in the region.

"BIMP-EAGA, which is a building block of ASEAN, is expected to contribute to making ASEAN the Epicenter of Growth in accordance with the theme of Indonesia's ASEAN Chairmanship in 2023," said President Jokowi at the end of his speech.

The 15th BIMP-EAGA High-Level Conference approved the BIMP-EAGA Leaders' Joint Statement. The Minister's Report to the Leaders, which contains the progress of various cooperations, was also reported to the heads of state.

The President was accompanied by the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Minister of Foreign Affairs, State Secretary Minister, Deputy for International Economic Cooperation Coordination of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, and Director General of ASEAN Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ***. Hans

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